                        The McKinnon of Today
     From a predominately Finnish community in 1992, the year I  moved
     into it, McKinnon has only one full time resident of Finnish descent. All
     the others have either passed or moved. The present population has most-
      ly of Southern roots.
     The open farmland has been replaced by tree farms. The lumber companies
     harvest the neatly planted rows of genetically modified pines about every
     twelve years. The landscape changes from a view of twenty five or thirty
     foot trees to a clear field. The year after the harvest new seedlings are
    planted in neat rows by a machine. In the ensuing years the view is grad-
    ually obscured by the growing trees until they reach maturity. The cycle
    then repeats itself.
    There only remaining buildings central to  the Finnish community of the
    past are the hall, the schoolhouse, and the Sauna. The schoolhouse (not
    shown in the historic pictures) is now used for storage. The Sauna is no
    longer owned by a Finn has had the wall used to separate the sexes re-
    moved. The hall was last used for a community gathering in 2009 to
    celebrate Thanksgiving.
    The McKinnon of today is in a low tax area. This means that the cost of
    living is quite reasonable. The Southern residents of the Jesup are quite
    friendly and willing to help. The heat is not as oppressive as in Florida.
    If anybody is considering a place to retire with signs of a Finnish past in-
    cluding saunas, there are two very nice properties and two low cost ones
